Horse's Mouth Marketing LLC & Penny Schouten

I am a series of contradictions: Homebody/Jet-setter. Cautious/Adventurer. Homemade iced tea/Champagne taste, Embraces routine/gets bored easily.
I'm a small-town, farm girl who has traveled the world, packing a lot of living and working into the first half of my life. I've walked the catwalk as a professional model, taught dance and choreographed pieces for dancers and non-dancers. I've appeared in films shot domestically and internationally, represented companies as a spokesperson and done some voice over work. I've assisted on set for Nickelodeon and in the marketing department of Disney Channel UK. I've taught journalism, public speaking and television/radio production in the US and abroad. I've worked for colleges, universities and study abroad program providers in a variety of roles for international education. My experience runs the gamut from small business (dog kennel) to large corporation (Disney Channel UK) to a foreign government (not a spy).
Against type (female, not a teenager, blonde), I enjoy technology and learned to write HTML as soon as the inter webs became more than a DOS screen.
I have not one, but TWO, master's degrees. My father is not impressed. At. All. And he didn't even have to pay for them.
How does all of this qualify me to be the big mouth at Horse's Mouth?
I have been a marketer since I was able to form an intelligent thought. Being the youngest child in an older family (I was an accident), I was constantly trying to get a.) attention and b.) my way. I figured out pretty quickly how to read my family in order to persuade them to do my bidding (let's keep that one between you and me). I continued to hone my marketing skills as a professional model, learning about product placement, brand identity and image on sets of photo shoots and commercials. Having a varied career has allowed me to learn about businesses and the challenges they face first hand, from the perspective of a staff member. I've also learned a great deal about consumer behavior and perceptions.
Plus, I've got four college degrees that didn't impress my Dad. At. All. He would prefer I had health insurance.
Oh, and I LOVE horses. Can you tell?
For the more boring version of me, check out my LinkedIn profile.